⭐ Summary of the 2022 All North American Youth Conference

Prince Vladimir Youth Association
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⭐ Summary of the 2022 All North American Youth Conference

⭐ Summary of the 2022 All North American Youth Conference

The All North American Youth Conference 2022, organized by the Prince Vladimir Youth Association, brought together youth from across North America from June 13 to 19 in the suburbs of Salt Lake City, Utah. This event aimed to inspire young Orthodox Christians to actively participate in parish life and foster community growth through their talents.

Highlights of the Conference

Purpose and Activities

  • Workshops: Participants, organized into groups of 10, developed plans to enhance parish life. Each group presented their ideas, including initiatives like creating youth choirs, forming Sunday schools, supporting charity, and managing parish websites. These plans were showcased to inspire broader participation.
  • Keynote Addresses: Three inspiring speakers addressed the attendees:
    1. Bishop Jacob of Sonora discussed spiritual foundations with the topic, “You Are a Temple of the Living God.”
    2. Matushka Patricia Klar encouraged centering life around Christ with her talk, “Be a Doer.”
    3. Eugene Kulesha shared insights on building spiritual and physical church foundations.
  • Podcast and Media Projects: Attendees collaborated on podcasts, tackling topics relevant to Orthodox youth, and livestreamed interviews and presentations globally.

Cultural and Spiritual Enrichment

  • Cultural Excursions: Youth enjoyed activities like hiking, ziplining, and exploring the scenic beauty of Utah, including a Grand Canyon day trip.
  • Charitable Insights: The conference introduced participants to the Charitable Foundation of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, emphasizing the importance of charitable work in parish life.
  • Icon Veneration: The myrrh-streaming Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was present, creating a spiritually uplifting atmosphere.

Interview with Archpriest Andrei Sommer

Archpriest Andrei Sommer, Vice Chairman of the Synodal Youth Department, shared his insights during an interview about the conference:

Question: What made this conference unique?

Answer: During the planning stages of the conference, we worked with participants representing our four dioceses—Eastern, Western, Midwestern, and Canadian. We sought their input as a means of supporting the idea of “Equipping the church with the talents of young people.” For example, the logo for the conference was designed by the participating youth. A total of 100 young people, ranging from 18 to 25 years of age, from 23 states of the United States and from Canada, took part in the conference. A wide range of states was represented, including Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, and Hawaii.

Question: What was the format of the conference?

Answer: We had lectures, master classes, podcast preparation, videoconferencing, cultural programming, and, of course, participation in divine services at St. George’s Church. Participants were divided into groups of 10, headed by a peer leader. Each group was tasked with presenting a project idea to strengthen parish life. Sample ideas included forming a youth choir, creating a Sunday school, organizing fundraising opportunities, or maintaining the parish website, among others, with the goal of activating, revitalizing, and diversifying parish life.

Question: Were there opportunities for leisure?

Answer: Yes, there was a day of rest at the Grand Canyon Cottonwood, including hikes in the most beautiful places of this part of Utah, along with a picnic and campfire. Youth were able to go ziplining, swimming, and tour Park City. Additionally, a banquet and awards ceremony were held at the Salt Lake City Aquarium “Living Planet.”

Closing and Legacy

The event concluded with a banquet and awards ceremony at the Living Planet Aquarium, celebrating the participants’ efforts and contributions. This gathering served as a stepping stone for young Orthodox Christians to build the future of their parishes through active involvement and community-oriented initiatives.